#LoseNone 6

#LoseNone 6


The term digital strategy in itself is flawed. By calling it a digital strategy it implies that we have other non-digital strategies, and yet the very success of your digital strategy and approach is how easily it co-exists with your physical world ministry strategy. It also creates the question – what is real-world and what is digital?. To a person who is unable to leave their home for whatever reason, any digital contact they have IS their real world. Added to that, how many of us sit in the real world but are completely or even semi-engaged with the digital world via our phones or tablets.

The line between digital world and real world in ministry is blurring. If we are to try and build a strategy that flawlessly moves and shifts between real and digital worlds, we need to look at changing the focus of our strategies. We should no longer have a strategy for the platform (digital or real world, on-stage or YouTube) but for the people we are trying to reach and engage.

The worlds way (Closed-Loop Marketing) is to place business at  the center of it all and get strategies to work for them (sales and fame):

Ministries needs to navigate from the real world to digital world and then back again. As we close the loop not as a marketing exercise (Secular: Closed-Loop Marketing) but as a mechanism to reach people, however and wherever, we will begin to find ways of discovering more about the people that have discovered us; engaging with them not just for the comment or like they will provide but to reveal another aspect of Christ to them; creating an invite culture that is an evangelical movement and not a product or brand advocacy. We start to genuinely use our strategy not just to tell people we love them but to actually love them. (Romans 12:9)

Your ministry is about navigating strategies for the people and not just simply taking it to them in a hope they will engage, give and become a financial partner. This is where movements are born:

Your ministry has been requested to have strategy that loses none – no one falls through the cracks. To this end, you may consider yourself ahead of the game by simply having a digital strategy. But building that strategy so it becomes part of your everyday thinking and activity will ensure your community feels part of your movement – embraced not just embracing. Get the integration of your digital strategy right and the movement begins. People you discovered on your social media platform and who have embraced your teaching will start ministries of their own, they will start being evangelists not just of your ministry, but of Christ (Invite Culture).

Changing from a ministry to a movement means that we let go. It means that no matter the cost, no matter the risk or the consequence, eventually, if we get it right, the movement will have started, and no one will remember who started it. In a world where ministries are born daily out of self-preservation and promotion, this kind of strategy is rare, but one that God called us to in Romans 12:2:

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you], but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. – TPT

The world does it all for self-promotion, sales and fame. We do what we do for others – who cares how many followers we have! Check out Romans 12:3:

God has given me grace to speak a warning about pride. I would ask each of you to be emptied of self-promotion and not create a false image of your importance. Instead, honestly assess your worth by using your God-given faith as the standard of measurement, and then you will see your true value with an appropriate self-esteem. TPT

So how do we start navigating our ministry around the people we serve when it comes to digital engagement? Next we take a look at a vision journey. As a ministry, your vision statement probably states your heart and the contribution you would want your ministry to make. It would probably state your heart, your desires and your strengths. But if we “honestly assess” our vision, we have to walk a person through the journey that our vision would have them take. When it comes to digital assets and products there are dedicated teams in the secular world that analyze UX (User Experience), so let’s take a look at VX (Vision Experience) and how you can use digital strategy to disciple people through your vision.

#LoseNone 5


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