For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on him should not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Making your digital platforms as easily accessible as possible is only half the job. Making your church readily available on digital platforms is another story. Time and time again churches have one flavor on a Sunday and another online. The trick is to find people who have already gone ahead and made it easier for you to reach whosoever, wheresoever, whensoever.
Ever since I was able to think online church, I have marveled at the Life.Church Church Online platform. It’s free and has all the tools that will not only provide you an online campus, but enable you to take who you are as a church online and allow you to stay true to your #DNA. The platform is fundamentally the toolkit and skin to your stream. You still need to host your live or simulated live content somewhere. (Vimeo is a great option for simulated live). Contact us below and we can help you with your options
The trick does not lie in the tool. You can use ChurchOnline or build your own. The trick lies with being able to use the tools of ChurchOnline to authentically represent your church AND genuinely care for the e-flock. With tools like online prayer, chat, automated banners, customizable tabs, message notes and links to YouVersion, there is not much you will need to add if you are getting going. What you wont find for free on church online is the people who will make sure that whosoever calls on Christ. Despite many churches and ministries thinking that this is the tough piece, dont hold back from launching online even if you only have one or two people who can host your online services. Rather reduce the number of services you want to have online and slowly build community. Once the community starts to see the benefits of an online near live campus, volunteers seem to appear. The kind of volunteers that you can get to know, chat to them offline and dicover where they fit. But more importantly, the kind of volunteers that love the platform and get it because they experienced it as a whosoever just like every one else.
At Nimble.Church, we would be happy to come alongside your church and help you make that first step. We can assist you with setup, launch and host training. We have experience on both the ChurchOnline platform as well as many others. The platform is just the tool. People are the church, so it stands to reason that online people make an online church. We would love to help you embrace this new era of eMission. We highly recommend: Feel free to connect with us just to chat on how you can quickly get up and running. Talk is cheap, so cheap we don’t charge. We use the sow and reap payment gateway. 🙂