Yesterday, Today, Tommorow
Walking Out The Future
Walking out our future Jesus commissioned his disciples. He had a plan and purpose for their future that would impact the world. (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:42-47) Whenever Jesus calls, He purposes. That’s because the very nature of Jesus is prophetic and has an eternal plan! We have a future because Jesus has already changed our past. Our response to His Grace is our in-the-moment lifestyle choices. The Jesus of our Past He has healed He has saved He has made…
Same God
SAME GOD Yesterday Today Forever Week 1 Same God Our Posture Towards Jesus When we needed hope and joy – Jesus is our king, born in a stable, coming to be with us.When we needed salvation, Jesus is the Son of God on the cross, taking our sins. When we needed to overcome fear, even the fear of death, Jesus rises from the dead.When we needed to have a heavenly hope, Jesus presents himself, returning to the Heavens. When we…