Resources on End Time Church

Resources on End Time Church

The Practice of Together

Message Summary In our journey of exploring what it means to be a follower of Jesus, we’ve come to understand that following Him is not a one-time decision but a continuous, daily practice. It’s about engaging in a rhythm of life that draws us closer to Him, despite the challenges and tribulations we face. Jesus calls us to become more like Him every day, knowing that we will never be perfect but encouraging us to strive for spiritual growth through…

End Game

V2.023: End GameThe Fear—Faith EraThe year of divine discomfort.If you fear God, you won’t fear the end.If we stand in the face of worldly fear without the fear of God, we are in the mosttreacherous of places.If you have faith in God, you won’t have the desire to have faith in man-madesolutions.The World has adopted a fear that has caused them to place their faith inthemselves.Dread of the end or what’s next will have you placing your faith in all…