NIMBLog (Page 7)

NIMBLog (Page 7)

A blog enabling revelation of God’s Word. A blog enabling you to spread God’s Word anywhere.


We recently discovered this incredible resource that will be very useful to anyone committed to developing good prayer habits. Helping you to pray faithfully & widely I hate it when I say that I will pray for someone and then it goes completely out of my mind. I have started using PrayerMate and I can not recommend it enough. Prayer is an amazing privilege, but it’s also really hard work (the apostle Paul compares it to a wrestling match!) PrayerMate…

Devoted to the Word

There is so much we take for granted. Today I attended a funeral of a friend and the speaker made the suggestion that in many areas of life we are ok with not really understanding things as long as they work… like your motor car or your mobile phone etc. We take the intricacies of things for granted as long as we get what we want or it does what we need it to do. I got to thinking that…

#LoseNone 8

DISCOVER Matthew 28:18-20 is our commission from Jesus. The commission starts with the word “Go.” Jesus uses that word to get us moving. When it comes to this commission Jesus wants us to have whatever we need to get it done!  Romans 12:6-8 speaks of the gifts that we have been given to accomplish our great commission and it uses similar language. We have been given gifts to activate and get moving for the benefit of others. It’s all about…

#LoseNone 7

A COLLECTIVE STORY WORTH TELLING Romans 12 asks us to do what we believe we have been called to do-well (Romans 12: 6-8). We are to tell the world what God has placed in our heart. Our ministries vision statement is simply a summary of a collective story. Whatever our ministries vision, it is what we have been called to do collectively. An organization like your ministry is the sum total of personal Ideas, visions; purpose and direction. It is…

#LoseNone 6

YOUR DIGITAL STRATEGY 3 The term digital strategy in itself is flawed. By calling it a digital strategy it implies that we have other non-digital strategies, and yet the very success of your digital strategy and approach is how easily it co-exists with your physical world ministry strategy. It also creates the question – what is real-world and what is digital?. To a person who is unable to leave their home for whatever reason, any digital contact they have IS…

#LoseNone 5

YOUR DIGITAL STRATEGY 2 Digital channels and their consumption by your audience move and shift with trends and generations. Organizations, ministries included, have positioned themselves digitally depending on their message and product – choosing the best digital channel that would get them the best sales. But if we are going to take our mission and vision to the audience God has laid on our heart in a way that makes people feel “genuinely loved” (Romans 12:9), we have to sacrifice…

#LoseNone 4

YOUR DIGITAL STRATEGY 1 For a long time, ministries have simply adopted their vision or mission statement as their digital purpose. And while the essence of the statement is very applicable to a ministry’s digital behavior, each element of the mission and vision statement needs to be digitally understood and a strategy decided upon to see those elements implemented. Your strategy needs to capture the essence of your ministry but clearly articulate how that vision and mission will be translated…

#LoseNone 3

THE ROMANS 12 TEMPLATE Romans 12 has a template that we can all learn from as to our ministry’s engagement. Looking through the digital lens, one can clearly see a Digital Ministry Engagement template. Here is the Romans 12 Template Outline: General Strategy and Engagement Principles: Romans 12:1-2 Followers Likes and Promotion: Romans 12:3 Sharing, Links and Partnerships: Romans 12:4-5;16 Content Management: Romans 12:6-8 Community Engagement and Response: Romans 12:9-13 Negative Publicity / Blocking and Unfollowing: Romans 12:14-15; 17-21 Dialogue…