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Spiritual Warfare – Demons, Angels, Spirits and Attitudes

DINNER AND THE WORD – ATTACK AND DEFEND SESSION 30  Demons, Angels, SPIRITS & Attitudes REVELATION CHAPTER 12 AND VERSES TEN AND ELEVEN  THE BATTLEGROUND In Christian spirituality, spiritual warfare often invokes thoughts of an intense cosmic struggle between the forces of good and evil. This battle is not fought with conventional weapons but rather through the INTERPLAY of supernatural entities like demons, angels, spirits, and the ATTITUDES of believers. These elements influence our journey in spiritual warfare, shedding light…

The Real Issue – Spiritual Warfare

SPIRITUAL WARFARE – OVER-PLAYED, OVERRATED OR OVERLOOKED? We can quickly become unbalanced whenever we take a teaching, philosophy, or biblical text out of context. Since the beginning of church history, contexts and situations have caused us to gravitate toward specific teachings or biblical concepts that create DIVISIONS and CONFUSION when believed outside of the balance of scripture.  In John the Baptists day it looked like this: At this time John the Baptist was baptizing at Aenon, near Salim, because there…


A QUICK GUIDE TO STUDYING SCRIPTURE Using these three words, application, inspiration, and revelation (in any order) to study the Word of God may help you discover a whole new lens to scriptures you know and those you do not. STEP 1 Read the scripture in different translations three or four times daily for three days. Every time you read it, note any thoughts, highlights, or ideas that may come to mind. STEP 2 Circle or highlight any words you…

Reveal Study Sessions 27-30: Attack and Defend

ATTACK AND DEFEND (Sessions 27-30) Spiritual warfare and the battle of right and wrong rage in our minds and the unseen realms of the universe. Let us win the war we have been given to fight. Download Each Session Here:

The Power of God’s Prophetic Personality

Harnessing the Power of God’s Prophetic Personality Function vs. Relationship The commands of God before Jesus were referred to as the law. …became a practice and a religion that eroded and did not enhance people’s relationship with God. …promoted a task-driven function that placed people in a pecking order based on their degree of performing the function. The adjudication of how well you did the function was judged by an establishment of those who created the function.  And all this…

Power Tools For an Explosive Life: Empowered not Entitled

Power Tools For an Explosive Life: Empowered not Entitled “IT IS FINISHED!” Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, ‘I am thirsty.’ A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips.   When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, He bowed His head and gave…

Power Tools for an Explosive Life: The Mind of Christ

Power Tools of an Explosive Life: The Mind of Christ EXPLOSIVE PRACTICALITY MY GOD WHY? RECAP:Identity Blessing and PurposeSatan cannot change the character of God, He can not conquer the Word of God, so he attacks our ability to walk out the purpose of God. FATHER, FORGIVE THEMWhen we know His forgiveness, we are more open to repentance. MY GOD WHY? For three hours, beginning at noon, a sudden and unexpected darkness came over the earth. And at three o’clock…

Power Tools of an Explosive Life: Forgiveness

Power Tools of an Explosive Life 01 Forgive Them EXPLOSIVE PRACTICALITY FATHER, FORGIVE THEM  FIRE TRIANGLE: Heat, fuel, and oxygenGRACE TRIANGLE: Identity, Blessing, and Purpose (Genesis 1)  Identity Blessing and Purpose (Genesis 1)  Satan cannot change the character of God, He can not conquer the Word of God, so he attacks our ability to walk out the purpose of God.  For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are…